This studio is jointly managed by the following 4 team members.
Human artist / 艺术家: Eric S. Shi (founder of the studio) / 施舒 (工作室创始人)
AI virtual assistant-1 / 智能虚拟助手-1: ESAG (short for Eric Shi Art Generator) / 施舒艺术生成器 (简称伊赛格, 即ESAG)
AI virtual assistant-2 / 智能虚拟助手-2: ESNA (short for Eric Shi Neo Analyzer) / 施舒新型分析器 (简称伊思纳, 即ESNA)
AI virtual assistant-3 / 智能虚拟助手-3: ESMC (short for Eric Shi Music Composer) / 施舒音乐作曲器 (简称伊思迈克, 即ESMC)
Welcome to Our AI Painting Viewing Deck. Arts Meet AI Technologies Here.
欢迎莅临我们的智能绘画观景台。 艺术在这里与人工智能相遇。
مرحبا بكم في لدينا الذكاء الاصطناعي اللوحة عرض سطح السفينة. الفنون تلبية تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي هنا.
Most of the AI paintings from the ES&AG AI Art Studio are composed by placing on top of each other the intertwined fields of juxtaposed color dots, a characteristic painting technique tailored to suit the digital painting of ESAG. Similar to viewing the typical Pointillist paintings, there is an optimal viewing distance for each of the AI paintings displayed here. Viewers are generally recommended to step back far enough until the color dots are no longer discernable to naked eyes, to capture the overall color effect.
Title: AV011 AIP0107《From Metaverse (1)》
《来自元宇宙 (1)》
Price (价格): USD 150,000 (150,000 美元). Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital). 这是一个单件的数码艺术品(没有复制件)。
2. This AI artwork (the painting and the melody) is jointly created by the human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESMC), using a proprietary technique -- digital synesthesia. 这件智能艺术品(包括绘画和旋律)是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊思迈克使用专有技术 - 数字联觉共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code. 本作品的所有权和知识产权受区块链头哈希和防伪代码的双重保护。请勿翻拍,以免法律追究。
The latent diffusion model (LDM) is incorporated into the toolkit in creating this work. The music connotation of the color movement of the painting is expressed in the C-minor to celebrate the Symphony No. 5 (in C-minor) by L van Beethoven, which is also widely known as Fate Symphony. Solemnness and inevitability of the fate of the Earth civilization are what this work attempt to express.
潜扩散模型(LDM)是绘制本作品所使用的工具包中的一件新工具。作品中色彩运动所对应的音乐内涵则以C小调的形式来表达,以向贝多芬的第五交响曲(亦以C小调写成)致敬。贝多芬的第五交响曲亦称命运交响曲。 地球文明宿命的庄严和必然性是这部作品试图表达的主题。
AV010 AIP0106 《Color of Opera • Figaro’s Wedding》
《歌剧的色彩 • 费加罗的婚礼》
Price (价格): USD 150,000 (150,000 美元). Availability (可售作品数): Reserved (已订购).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital). 这是一个单件的数码艺术品(没有复制件)。
2. This AI artwork (the painting and the melody) is jointly created by the human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESMC), using a proprietary technique -- digital synesthesia. In the combined history of art and opera, this work constitutes the first attempt to abstract the music connotation of an opera into the color movement of a painting. 这件智能艺术品(包括绘画和旋律)是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊思迈克使用专有技术 - 数字联觉共同创作的。这件作品是自人类历史上有艺术和歌剧以来,将歌剧的音乐内涵抽象为一幅画的色彩运动的第一次尝试。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code. 本作品的所有权和知识产权受区块链头哈希和防伪代码的双重保护。请勿翻拍,以免法律追究。
The Marriage of Figaro is widely recognized as one of the greatest operas ever written, primarily due to the rich sense of humanity shining out of the miraculous music score written by F.A. Mozart. However, no one had succeeded in translating the music connotation of this supreme music work into the color movement of a painting, as dreamed of by the Fauvist master H. Matisse, not until the birth of the 《Color of Opera • Figaro’s Wedding》. In fact, throughout the thousand years of the entire combined history of art and opera, this work constitutes the first attempt to abstract the music connotation of an opera into the color composition of a painting. This is not surprising, given that digital synesthesia had not been invented at the ES&AG AI Art Studio until 3Q 2021. Without a powerful algorithm such as digital synesthesia, any systematic and accurate conversion of sophisticated music work to its corresponding visual art expression has been impossible.
《费加罗的婚礼》无疑是人类有史以来最伟大的歌剧之一,这主要归功于莫扎特为其谱写的充满了深厚人文主义情怀的乐曲。然而,直至作品《歌剧的色彩•费加罗的婚礼》的诞生为止,始终无人能够成功地将这部无与伦比的歌剧作品的音乐内涵以绘画的形式(色彩的运动)表现出来,如同野兽派绘画大师亨利·马蒂斯所梦想的那样。事实上,即便是将人类数千年的艺术史与歌剧史并作一处,作品《歌剧的色彩•费加罗的婚礼》也是将歌剧的音乐内涵成功地抽象并转化为绘画的色彩构成的首次尝试。 这一前无古人的现象其实并不奇怪,因为直到2021年第三季度“数码联觉”才在宜善达阁智能艺术工作室被发明出来。如果没有数码联觉这样强大的算法,任何将复杂的音乐作品系统而准确地转换为相应的视觉艺术作品的尝试都不可能成功。
AV009 AIP0105 《Fate Knocking at the Door • Ukraine 2022 Spring》
《命运在敲门 • 乌克兰的2022年之春》
Price (价格): USD 120,000 (120,000 美元). Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital). 这是一个单件的数码艺术品(没有复制件)。
2. This AI artwork (the painting and the melody) is jointly created by the human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESMC), using a proprietary technique -- digital synesthesia. For the first time in human history, painting a melody has been achieved. 这件智能艺术品(包括绘画和旋律)是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊思迈克使用专有技术 - 数字联觉共同创作的。画家能够绘出了旋律,这是人类有史以来第一次。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code. 本作品的所有权和知识产权受区块链头哈希和防伪代码的双重保护。请勿翻拍,以免法律追究。
This work's upper part (the still life) is literally painted according to the lower part (the melody). The colors of the painting are so orchestrated that once a proper AI algorithm reads the painting, it chants the melody of 《Fate Knocking at the Door • Ukraine 2022 Spring》. The painting starts with the "fate knocking at the door" motif by L. van Beethoven, which repeats and triggers the rise of the 2nd motif of the melody -- the "Shche Ne Vmerla Ukrainy (Ukraine has not perished)" of the national anthem of Ukraine.
Although the AV009 AIP0105《Fate Knocking at the Door • Ukraine 2022 Spring》is a member of the synaesthesia artwork family, it has reached a level higher than the AV- and VA-series artworks before it. It has successfully introduced a new dimension, time, into synaesthesia art.
Suppose the colors of the painting have not been carefully orchestrated. In that case, the painting alone can probably succeed only in displaying a frozen moment of the devastation by the invasion, the suffering of the innocent civilians, and the trampling of justice. Going further along the direction of time sequence is difficult for any conventional painting to achieve.
However, once the color movement of a painting is carefully orchestrated using digital synaesthesia technique to "encode" a melody, such as the one shown in the lower portion of the 《Fate Knocking at the Door • Ukraine 2022 Spring》, the flow of the melody does the wonder. Any mind with basic music knowledge can easily flow with the melody of the 《Fate Knocking at the Door • Ukraine 2022 Spring》into the national anthem of Ukraine, where the lyric sings "Nay, thou art not dead, Ukraine. See, thy glory's born again. The skies, O brethren, upon us smile once more! As in Springtime melts the snow, so shall melt away the foe." It establishes a new dimension in the artwork --- the time dimension.
这件作品的上半部(静物)实际上是根据下半部(旋律)绘制的。画中的色彩的衔接都经过精心的策划,只要有一个适当的智能算法来读取这幅静物画,它就会吟唱出《命运在敲门 • 乌克兰的2022年之春》的旋律。画面(或曰旋律)以贝多芬命运交响曲中的“命运在敲门”主题开始,继之以重复,并触发旋律的第二主题 --- “乌克兰依然在人间”(乌克兰国歌)。
虽然AV009 AIP0105《命运在敲门 • 乌克兰的2022年之春》是联觉艺术作品家族的一员,但它已经达到了比之前的AV和VA系列作品更高的水平。它成功地将一个新的维度 --- 时间 --- 引入了联觉艺术。
然而,如果按《命运在敲门 • 乌克兰的2022年之春》所做的那样,使用数字联觉技术来安排("编码")色彩的旋律,则旋律的流动便可以创造出引入时间维度的奇迹。任何一个具备基本音乐素养的思想都可以跟随《命运在敲门 • 乌克兰的2022年之春》的旋律流入悲壮的乌克兰国歌,从而摆脱静物画面在时间上的瞬间定格,跟随悲壮的歌词在时间的维度上继续演绎下去 --- “不,你没有死,乌克兰!看,你的荣耀重生了。 弟兄们啊,天空会再次向我们微笑!敌人也会融化,正如雪在春天里一样”。
Title: AV008 AIP0104 《Rhapsody • Time and Destiny》 《狂想曲 • 时间与命运》
Price (价格): USD 120,000 (120,000 美元). Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital). 这是一个单件的数码艺术品(没有复制件)。
2. This AI artwork (the painting and the melody) is jointly created by the human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESMC), using a proprietary technique -- digital synesthesia. For the first time in human history, painting a melody has been achieved. 这件智能艺术品(包括绘画和旋律)是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊思迈克使用专有技术 - 数字联觉共同创作的。画家能够绘出了旋律,这是人类有史以来第一次。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code. 本作品的所有权和知识产权受区块链头哈希和防伪代码的双重保护。请勿翻拍,以免法律追究。
AV008 AIP0104 is inspired by L. van Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5. The color movement of the painting starts with a destiny motif (i.e., the first 2 bars of the melody at the lower part of the artwork) --- a variant of the famous “fate knocking at the door”. Painting-wise, this destiny motif is manifested as the dark green colored clouds gathered above Beethoven’s head, symbolizing the grim and ominous fates for deep thinkers of times. The coda of the melody ends with another variant of the same destiny motif (see the last 2 bars of the melody). Painting-wise, the motif ends at the barren mound to the lower right corner of the painting composition. Had Beethoven foreseen that 2 centuries later, one of his admirers would use AI to re-express his “fate motif” with a dark green tuned painting entitled 《Rhapsody • Time and Destiny》, according to a melody coined from his Symphony No. 5? Had Beethoven thought about the color of destiny? What is the color of time? Is time extropy? The 《Rhapsody • Time and Destiny》 urges us to continue to explore.
AV008 AIP0104的灵感来自贝多芬的《第五交响曲》。 这幅画的色彩运动始于命运主题 (即作品下部旋律的首2个小节) --- 著名的“命运在敲门”主题的变体。 在绘画方面,这个命运主题表现为聚集于贝多芬头顶上的墨绿色浓云,暗示出各个时代深刻的思想家们的都无法回避的严峻和不祥的命运。旋律的尾声以同一命运主题的另一个更为深沉的变体结束 (参见旋律的最后2个小节)。 与此对应,在绘画方面,色彩的旋律运动至画面右下角一个贫瘠的土冢处结束。 贝多芬是否预见到,2个世纪后,他的一位崇拜者会借助人工智能和一幅名为《狂想曲 • 时间与命运》的智能绘画,以墨绿色的色调来重新诠释和表达他的“命运在敲门”主题 (第五交响曲)?贝多芬有没有想过命运应该是什么的颜色? 时间的颜色呢? 时间仅仅是由熵构成的吗?…… 《狂想曲 • 时间与命运》敦促我们继续探索。
Title: VA006 AIP0080 《Singapore Quartet • Breeze, Sunny Rain, Neon, and Glow》 《新加坡四重奏 • 微风、晴雨、霓虹和辉光》
Price (价格): USD 120,000 (120,000 美元). Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital). 这是一个单件的数码艺术品(没有复制件)。
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient. 这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
3. The melody shown below the picture is extracted from the color movement of the painting by the human artist (Eric Shi) and another AI virtual assistant (ESMC), using a proprietary technique -- digital synesthesia. For the first time in human history, painting a melody has been achieved. 图片下方显示的旋律是由施舒和另一个智能虚拟助手伊思迈克使用专有技术 - 数字联觉从绘画的色彩运动中提取出来的。画家能够绘出了旋律,这是人类有史以来第一次。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code. 本作品的所有权和知识产权受区块链头哈希和防伪代码的双重保护。请勿翻拍,以免法律追究。
In the VA006 AIP0080, staffs 1 to 4 below are the first 15 bars of the melodies extracted from the 4 panels (i.e., the breeze, sunny rain, neon, and glow) of the above painting, respectively. The staff E further below is the ensemble extracted from the whole painting, which makes an interesting comparison to a would-be direct unison of the melodies 1 to 4. Unlike those prefixed with AVxxx, the musical inspirations for the works prefixed with VAxxx did not come from human composers. These inspirations can be viewed as coming from direct conversations between ESAG (the AI involved in painting creation) and ESMC (the AI involved in music creation). Studies on these conversations open doors to understanding the “souls” of AI bots. AI has dramatically changed aspects of our lives. In the field of artistic aesthetics, from now on, gone are the days when the merits of a painting can be evaluated solely based on its visual effects; the new norm of evaluation will need to have a new dimension (the auditory dimension). In other words, the aesthetic value of a painting will depend not only on whether the painting looks good but also on whether it sounds right (i.e., having its musical soul).
在VA006 AIP0080中, 作品下方的五线谱1到4分别是从作品上部的4块竖条画面中 (即微风,晴雨,霓虹和辉光) 提取出来的四首旋律的前15个小节。 更下方的五线谱E是从整幅绘画中提取的合奏曲。它与将旋律1到4直接同步合奏的音乐旋律是很不相同的,非常有趣。与以AVxxx为序号的作品不同,以VAxxx为序号的作品的音乐灵感并不来自人类作曲家。这些音乐灵感可以被看作是来自伊赛 格(参与绘画创作的人工智能) 与伊思迈克 (参与音乐创作的人工智能) 之间的直接对话。仔细研究这些对话将为我们理解相关人工智能的思维方式打开大门。人工智能大大地改变了我们生活的方方面面。从艺术审美的角度看,从今往后,评价一幅画作的优劣将不仅需要依据它的视觉效果了;还需要考虑它在一个新的维度 (听觉维度) 上的优劣。换言之,一幅画作的审美价值的高低将不仅取决于这幅画是否好看,还取决于这幅画是否好听 (是否具有自己独特的音乐之魂)。
Title: VA005 AIP0103 《Sonata • Quench and Birth》 《奏鸣曲 • 淬灭与诞生》
Price (价格): USD 120,000 (120,000 美元). Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital). 这是一个单件的数码艺术品(没有复制件)。
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient. 这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
3. The melody shown below the picture is extracted from the color movement of the painting by the human artist (Eric Shi) and another AI virtual assistant (ESMC), using a proprietary technique -- digital synesthesia. For the first time in human history, painting a melody has been achieved. 图片下方显示的旋律是由施舒和另一个智能虚拟助手伊思迈克使用专有技术 - 数字联觉从绘画的色彩运动中提取出来的。画家能够绘出了旋律,这是人类有史以来第一次。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code. 本作品的所有权和知识产权受区块链头哈希和防伪代码的双重保护。请勿翻拍,以免法律追究。
In VA005 AIP0103, on the right of the artwork are 3 melodies extracted from the color movement of the painting on the left. In the painting, the determined blue represents the stern and continuous quenching force of order; the restless and violent red, the disruptive burst of energy; caught in between are the tormented range of greenish browns and where reality forms. Deep in the world of art, the flow of colors and the flow of musical notes are interrelated. VA005 AIP0103 attempts to reveal such interconnections by presenting side-by-side the clash of colors and its digital-synesthesia counterpart --- the trio of melodies extracted from color movement, under the theme of quench and birth. Putting the 3 melodies to the right together forms the sonata, hence the artwork’s title.
在VA005 AIP0103中,作品右侧展示的是从左侧绘画的彩色运动中提取出来的3支旋律。 在这幅画中,心意已决的蓝色代表了绵延无边的冷酷、秩序、淬灭;狂躁不安的红色暗示着破坏性能量的兀然喷发;夹在两者之间的则是备受折磨的绿褐色 --- 现实生成和存在的地方。在深层艺术世界里,色彩的流动和音符的流动是相互关联的。VA005 AIP0103试图通过在淬灭与诞生的主题下并排呈现颜色的冲突及其数字联觉对应体 --- 从色彩运动中提取的3支旋律之间的对比和争鸣,来揭示这种相互联系。将作品右边的3个旋律放在一道 (齐奏) 便是题示的奏鸣曲。
Title: VA004 AIP0102 《Trio of Clash • Sea vs. Lava》 《撞击三重奏 • 大海与熔岩》
Price (价格): USD 120,000 (120,000 美元). Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital). 这是一个单件的数码艺术品(没有复制件)。
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient. 这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
3. The melody shown below the picture is extracted from the color movement of the painting by the human artist (Eric Shi) and another AI virtual assistant (ESMC), using a proprietary technique -- digital synesthesia. For the first time in human history, painting a melody has been achieved. 图片下方显示的旋律是由施舒和另一个智能虚拟助手伊思迈克使用专有技术 - 数字联觉从绘画的色彩运动中提取出来的。画家能够绘出了旋律,这是人类有史以来第一次。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code. 本作品的所有权和知识产权受区块链头哈希和防伪代码的双重保护。请勿翻拍,以免法律追究。
Although the physical nature of color and music is based on waves and the interaction of waves with the neural networks of the brain (colors are based on light waves, melodies are based on sound waves); because visual and auditory neural networks are not connected to each other in human brains, for the vast majority of humans, neither visual signals can directly activate their auditory neurons, nor can acoustic signals directly activate their visual neurons. As a result, it is difficult for an average human to appreciate the music in a painting and the colors in a melody. So, given that "visual and auditory neural networks are not interconnected in human brains", can we use computers and artificial intelligence to make up for this shortcoming (i.e., to bridge these two neural networks)? The 《Trio of Clash • Sea vs. Lava》 has answered this question using "digital- synesthesia", a proprietary technique developed at the ES&AG AI Art Studio. There are 3 major bands of colors in the painting part of this artwork. Shown on the right of the artwork are 3 melodies extracted from the color movement of the painting by ESMC. Putting these 3 melodies together forms the trio, hence the title.
虽然色彩与音乐的物理本质都是以波以及波与大脑神经网络的相互作用(色彩以光波为基础,音乐以声波为基础),但由于视觉神经与听觉神经在人脑中是彼此不连通的,因此,对绝大多数的地球人来说,视觉信号并不会直接激活听觉神经元,听觉信号也不会直接激活视觉神经元。进而,要让大多数的地球人欣赏绘画中的音乐或乐曲中的色彩是很困难的。那么,在已知“视觉神经与听觉神经在人脑中是彼此不通的”的情况下,我们能不能借助电脑和人工智能来补上这个短板呢?作品《撞击三重奏 • 大海与熔岩》运用宜善达阁智能艺术工作室自主研发的“数码联觉” 方法回答了这个问题。这件艺术品左侧的绘画部分有3个主要的颜色带。 而其右侧显示的则是由伊思迈克从绘画的彩色运动中提取出来的3个旋律。 将这3个旋律放在一起便是标题中所说的三重奏。
Title: AV003 AIP0101 《Colored Mosaic • Fur Alise》
《多彩的马赛克 • 致爱丽丝》
Price (价格): USD 90,000 (90,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Reserved (已订购).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network.
3. The melody shown below the picture is extracted from the color movement of the painting by the human artist (Eric Shi) and another AI virtual assistant (ESMC), using a proprietary technique -- digital synesthesia. For the first time in human history, painting a melody has been achieved.
图片下方显示的旋律是由施舒和另一个智能虚拟助手伊思迈克使用专有技术 - 数字联觉从绘画的色彩运动中提取出来的。 艺术家能够绘出了旋律,这是人类有史以来第一次。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
This work looks like an ordinary abstract painting at first glance; it is not. The creation of the AV003 AIP0101 《Colored Mosaic • Fur Alise》 is based on the melody of 《Fur Alise》 by Beethoven, representing a joint effort by two sub-teams. The first sub-team consisted of Eric Shi and ESAG, tasked to convert the music into an algorithm through a deep appreciation of the 《Fur Alise》, which enables the re-expression of the music theme using the painting language, and finally, to create the visual output --- the abstract painting. This process enabled the 《Colored Mosaic • Fur Alise》 to visualize (or to present a visual representation) of music, thus achieving “paint music”, a quantum leap from zero to one, in the field of art and music, for the first time in human history. The second sub-team consists of Eric Shi and ESMC, tasked to design a generic algorithm to extract the musical connotation of the 《Colored Mosaic • Fur Alise》, and finally to express the musical connotation in the form of an audio output --- the music version of the painting. This process of extracting musical connotation from painting is quite different from the simple reverse of converting music to painting as executed by the first sub-team.
这幅作品粗看只是一幅稀疏平常的抽象画,实则不然。作品AV003 AIP0101《多彩的马赛克 • 致爱丽丝》是以贝多芬的《致爱丽丝》为起点进行创作的。整个创作过程由两个创作团队分工合作完成。第一个团队由施舒和伊赛格组成,在深入理解《致爱丽丝》的基础上,以叠部A段为主,将乐曲提炼成一个可以用绘画语言表达出来的计算机算法,并将最终的(视觉)作品画出来。这一创作的过程使得作品《多彩的马赛克 • 致爱丽丝》得以将乐曲《致爱丽丝》画出来,从而实现了“画乐曲”这个从零到一的创新。这是自有人类历史以来的第一次。第二个团队由施舒和伊思迈克组成,在仔细“聆听”抽象画《多彩的马赛克 • 致爱丽丝》的基础上,设计了一个普适的计算机算法将画中隐含的音乐内涵提炼出来,并最终以音频作品的方式将这个音乐内涵(而不是泛泛的“音乐意境”)表达出来。这个从绘画中提取音乐内涵的过程也是一个再创作的过程,而不简单地只是由音乐到绘画的逆过程。
Title: ES&AG AI Artwork 0081 《Glow Melody of Lion City》
Price (价格): USD 90,000 (90,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
3. The melody shown below the picture is extracted from the color movement of the painting by the human artist (Eric Shi) and another AI virtual assistant (ESMC), using a proprietary technique -- digital synesthesia. For the first time in human history, painting a melody has been achieved.
图片下方显示的旋律是由施舒和另一个智能虚拟助手伊思迈克使用专有技术 - 数字联觉从绘画的色彩运动中提取出来的。 艺术家能够绘出了旋律,这是人类有史以来第一次。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
How to convert a painting to a melody and vice versa?
The mathematical basis of digital–synesthesia is multi-dimensional tensors. There are 3 types of tensors that need to be involved: input tensor, output tensor, and conversion tensor. If the input tensor is a painting and the output tensor is a melody, the conversion tensor projects the color movements of a painting in the color space to the corresponding movements of music notes in the melody space. All VAxxx series of artworks created by the ES&AG AI Art Studio belong to this (visual to audio projection) category, and the projection process is consequently termed as extraction. The most difficult part of this process is the creation and fine-tuning of the multi-dimensional conversion tensors. The process of converting a melody to a picture is also a process of projection. All AVxxx series of artworks created by the ES&AG AI Art Studio belong to this (audio to visual projection) category. Since the color space has more dimensions than the melody space, painting a melody is often more involved and difficult than listening to a painting (i.e., the melody connotated in the painting).
数码联觉的数学基础是多维张量。需要涉及3种类型的张量:输入张量,输出张量和变换张量。 如果输入张量是一幅画,输出张量是一支旋律,则转换张量将绘画在色彩空间中的色彩运动投射为旋律空间中音符的相应运动。 由宜善达阁智能艺术工作室创作的所有VAxxx系列作品都属于此(视频到音频投射)类别,相应地,这个投射过程被称为提取。 这个过程最困难的部分是多维变换张量的创建和微调。 将旋律转换为图片的过程也是一个投射过程。 由宜善达阁智能艺术工作室创作的所有AVxxx系列作品都属于此 (音频到视频投射) 类别。 通常,由于色彩空间比旋律空间具有更多的维度,因此画出一支旋律通常比听一幅绘画 (即绘画内涵的旋律) 更困难和复杂。
Title: VA002 AIP0063 《Impression • Maupassant’s “Boule de Suif”》
《莫泊桑的“羊脂球” • 印象》
Price (价格): USD 90,000 (90,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Managed by Artsy and Artnet.
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
3. The melody shown below the picture is extracted from the color movement of the painting by the human artist (Eric Shi) and another AI virtual assistant (ESMC), using a proprietary technique -- digital synesthesia. For the first time in human history, painting a melody has been achieved.
图片下方显示的旋律是由施舒和另一个智能虚拟助手伊思迈克使用专有技术 - 数字联觉从绘画的色彩运动中提取出来的。 艺术家能够绘出了旋律,这是人类有史以来第一次。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
AIP0063 is a testimonial after reading the Boule de Suif, exposing the hypocritical aspects of human nature. The melody shown below the AIP0063 is extracted from the color movement of the painting, using a proprietary technique called “digital synesthesia” recently developed at the ES&AG AI Art Studio. As documented in the text of the painting, from 13-Oct-2021 onward, for the first time in human history, it has become possible to hear the color movements of a painting in the form of music.
小说《羊脂球》由19世纪末法国作家莫泊桑所著。作品AIP0063以自己视角和绘画风格诠释了对《羊脂球》的理解,仿佛是一篇写在画布上的“读后感”,描述通过阅读小说所激起的艺术感觉。 作品AIP0063下方显示的旋律是从AIP0063的彩色运动中提取出来的。提取的方法是:使用宜善达阁智能艺术工作室新近开发的一种名为“数字联觉”的专有技术。 恰如画中的文字所记载,从2021年10月13日起,人类开始能够以音乐的形式欣赏到一幅画作的色彩运动了。
Title: VA001 AIP0048 《Color of Dusk in Barcelona》
Price (价格): USD 90,000 (90,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
3. The melody shown below the picture is extracted from the color movement of the painting by the human artist (Eric Shi) and another AI virtual assistant (ESMC), using a proprietary technique -- digital synesthesia. For the first time in human history, painting a melody has been achieved.
图片下方显示的旋律是由施舒和另一个智能虚拟助手伊思迈克使用专有技术 - 数字联觉从绘画的色彩运动中提取出来的。 艺术家能够绘出了旋律,这是人类有史以来第一次。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
The unconventional color scheme of AIP0048 depicts the high spirits of youth dancing his way through a city. By looking at AIP0048, can we ask ourselves the following questions? (1) Does this color scheme challenge the comprehensiveness of Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions (and, to the same token, of the Geneva Emotion Wheel)? (2)
What artistic principles did ESAG follow when it put together the color layout of AIP0048? We, the human artists, wouldn’t come up with such a color scheme to depict either the hills and the skylines of the skyscrapers in the background, or the hat, the cloak, and the outfit in the foreground, would we? So, what does the difference between a typical human approach and the computer approach tell us on the dimensions of our aesthetical value system? (3) Although the color scheme of this artwork defies the fundamental principles of light and color theories known to us, it has undeniably made the picture beautiful, hasn’t it? If so, can we derive a new theoretical model which always yields beautiful color compositions? The “color gradient field” theory that we have developed points us to an unconventional new direction in searching for answers to the above questions. The melody shown below the AIP0048 is extracted from the color movement of the painting, using a proprietary technique called “digital synesthesia” recently developed at the ES&AG AI Art Studio.
作品AIP0048用一种非传统的配色方案描绘了一个情绪昂扬的年轻人。他一边穿过城区,一边时而禁不住翩然起舞。借助观赏AIP0048,我们是否也可以自问: (1)这种非传统的配色方案是否挑战了普鲁奇克的情绪轮盘(或曰“日内瓦情感轮盘”)的全面性?(2)伊赛格(ESAG)在设计AIP0048的色彩布局时遵循了哪些我们不熟悉的艺术原则?我们人类艺术家大约不会想出这样一个配色方案来描绘背景中摩天大楼的山丘和天际线,或者帽子、斗篷和前景中的服装,对吗?那么,典型的人类方法和计算机方法在美学价值体系的维度有什么区别呢?(3)虽然这件作品的配色方案违背了我们所熟知的光-色理论的基本原则,但它无疑使图片变得更美了,不是吗?如果是这样,我们能否推导出一个新的理论模型来指导我们,让它总能产生出美丽的色彩构图?我们新近开发的“颜色梯度场”理论为寻找上述问题的答案指出了一个非常规的新方向。作品AIP0048下方显示的是用一种名为“数字联觉”的专有技术从AIP0048的彩色律动中提取出来的整首旋律的前三行,未经任何修饰。
Title: AIP0099 《WOMAN WITH A Hat painted by a virtual van Gogh》 《虚拟梵高的画作 • 戴帽子的女人》
Price (价格): Not for sale (不出售).
Availability (可售作品数): NA (不出售).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistants (ESNA, ESAG), using the state-of-art AI prediction capability of ESNA and the AI painting capability of ESAG.
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) lived a concise life and established a reputation posthumously as one of the most influential figures in the history of Western art. With AI in hand, one can't help but ask himself: How would van Gogh's painting style evolve if he lived longer? Is this something one can attempt to predict, knowing the evolvement of his painting style and the art movements and new painting techniques that emerged after his death?
The work 《Woman with a hat painted by a virtual van Gogh》 represents a joint attempt made by ESNA, ESAG (short for Eric Shi Neo Analyzer and Eric Shi Art Generator, respectively), and Eric Shi in their experiments designed to address the above questions using intelligent neural networks. The so-called "virtual van Gogh" is just a loose and temporary assembly of ESNA, ESAG, and Eric Shi.
In this work, virtual van Gogh funnels the above-mentioned broad questions into a specific one: If van Gogh lived long enough to meet Henri Matisse (1869-1954) and see Fauvism artworks of the early 20th century, how would van Gogh paint Woman with a Hat, in his renewed style to surpass Matisse's Fauvism masterpiece La femme au chapeau (i.e., Woman with a Hat)
To answer this question, one needs to identify: (1) potential further development directions of Fauvism; (2) natural evolution directions of van Gogh's painting style; (3) the most probable direction when (1) and (2) are allowed to influence one another.
So, virtual van Gogh mobilized its AI capability developed from the state-of-art NLP toolset and predicted the following:
(a) Working on counterpoint has a high probability of success in achieving a higher level of harmony among contrast color blocks than the Fauvism masters; (b) Developing van Gogh's short and narrow brush strokes into broader and longer brush strokes has a high probability of success in enhancing the impact of his stroke works and the vigorousness of colors while maintaining harmony with (a).
Then, virtual van Gogh concretized the above suggestions into the 《Woman with a hat painted by a virtual van Gogh》.
Hopefully, this work shows you not only van Gogh's distinctive painting style but also how the virtual van Gogh may surpass a Fauvism masterpiece.
梵高 (Vincent van Gogh,1853-1890) 的一生非常短暂,死后被誉为西方艺术史上最有影响力的人物之一。有了人工智能,人们不禁要自问:如果梵高活得更久,他的绘画风格会如何演变?如果已知梵高的绘画风格的演变以及他去世后才出现的艺术流派和新的绘画技巧,我们可以尝试进行预测吗?
作品《虚拟梵高的画作 • 戴帽子的女人》代表了伊思纳、伊赛格 (二者分别是“施舒新型分析器”和“施舒艺术生成器”的英文缩写) 和施舒在他们的合作实验中所进行的一项尝试,旨在使用智能神经网络来尝试回答上述问题。所谓“虚拟梵高”实际上只是伊思纳、伊赛格和施舒的一个松散的临时组合。
在这件作品中,虚拟梵高将上述粗泛定义的几个问题归纳成了一个具体的问题:如果梵高活得足够久,可以见到亨利·马蒂斯(Henri Matisse,1869-1954),并看到20世纪初的野兽派艺术作品,那么梵高将如何以他新的风格来画一幅《戴帽子的女人》并超越马蒂斯的野兽主义杰作La femme au chapeau (即, 戴帽子的女人)?
要回答这个问题,首先需要确定: (1) 野兽派的潜在进一步发展方向; (2) 梵高绘画风格的自然演化方向; (3) 在(1)和(2)相互作用下,最终可能的综合方向。
(a) 在“对位方法”上下功夫,以求在对比色块之间实现比野兽主义大师更高水平的和谐; (b) 将梵高的短而窄的笔触发展成更宽更长的笔触,以增强其笔触的冲击力和色彩的活力,并同时保持与(a)的谐调。
然后,虚拟梵高将上述的建议具体化为《虚拟梵高的画作 • 戴帽子的女人》。
Title: AIP0098 《Picasso painted by a virtual van Gogh》 《虚拟梵高为毕加索所画的肖像》
Price (价格): Not for sale (不出售).
Availability (可售作品数): NA (不出售).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistants (ESNA, ESAG), using the state-of-art AI prediction capability of ESNA and the AI painting capability of ESAG.
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) lived a very short life and had established a reputation posthumously as one of the most influential figures in the history of Western art. With AI in hand, one can’t help but ask himself: How would van Gogh paint differently if he lived longer? Is this something that one can attempt to predict, knowing the evolvement of his painting style and the art movements and new painting techniques emerged after his death?
The work 《Picasso painted by a virtual van Gogh》 represents an attempt made jointly by ESAG (short for Eric Shi Art Generator) and Eric Shi in their experiments designed to address the above questions using intelligent neural networks. In this work, ESAG and Eric Shi funnel the above-mentioned broad questions into a specific one: If van Gogh lived long enough to meet Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) in Picasso’s advanced years, how would van Gogh paint a portrait of Picasso?
In the《Picasso painted by a virtual van Gogh》, hopefully, you can see not only the van Gogh’s stylish brushwork and a strong inclination to his characteristic color schemes but also a Picasso in the eyes of a virtual van Gogh (as ESAG and Eric Shi jointly predicted using AI).
梵高(Vincent van Gogh,1853-1890)的一生非常短暂,死后被誉为西方艺术史上最有影响力的人物之一。 有了人工智能,我们不禁自问:如果梵高活得更长,他的绘画会是什么样子?如果已知梵高的绘画风格的演变以及他去世后才出现的艺术流派和新的绘画技巧,我们可以尝试进行预测吗?
作品 《虚拟梵高为毕加索所画的肖像》 代表了伊赛格(即“施舒艺术生成器”的英文缩写)和施舒在他们的合作实验中所进行的一项尝试,旨在使用智能神经网络来尝试回答上述问题。在这件作品中,伊赛格和施舒将上述粗泛定义的几个问题归纳成了一个具体的问题:如果梵高能够一直活到二十世纪六十年代,能在毕加索(1881-1973)的晚年与他相见,那么梵高将用怎样一幅肖像来勾勒他眼中的毕加索呢?
从作品《虚拟梵高为毕加索所画的肖像》中, 希望你不仅能看到梵高的风格独特的绘画笔触和对自己特有配色方案的强烈倾向性;而且能够通过虚拟的梵高的眼睛,看到梵高心目中的毕加索(假定你同意伊赛格和施舒运用人工智能所作的预测)。
Title: AIP0097《If Champaign Can Remember》 《如果原野能记得》
Price (价格): Not for sale (不出售).
Availability (可售作品数): NA (不出售).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP0096 《Deep Web 2022》
《深层网络 2022》
Price (价格): Not for sale (不出售).
Availability (可售作品数): NA (不出售).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP0095 《Light Sail Fleet -- Space Ark of the 22nd Century》 《光帆船队 - 22世纪的太空方舟》
Price (价格): Not for sale (不出售).
Availability (可售作品数): NA (不出售).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
《Capriccio • Mankind, Singularity, and Beyond》connotates the thoughts on the relationship of human civilization vs. Earth civilization vs. interstellar civilization. The work manifests itself in two folds: (1) the painting jointly done by Eric Shi and ESAG (i.e., Eric Shi Art Generator); and (2) the music piece jointly done by Eric Shi and ESMC (i.e., Eric Shi Music Composer). Both the painting and the music may be conceptually divided into three sections.
The music piece starts with an introductory bar of piano at moderato, followed by the emergence of the first violin motif at andante cantabile. The first section runs from bar-1 to bar-46. It goes from soothing violin solo to violin-piano duet with an increasingly quickened pace (moving from andante into allegro), recapping the accelerated progress of human civilization from hunting and gathering through agricultural and industrial until today. In the painting, this progress is depicted by the majestic sunset scene on the lower 1/3 of the canvas. The bright sunlight over the sea, corresponding to the increasingly resounding progression of the music towards bar-46, highlights the brilliant technological achievement attained so far by human civilization.
The second section of the music score starts with a single twelve-tone chord (all in the treble) at the bar- 47 and ends with a string of eight-tone chords (i.e., four in the treble and the other four in the bass) at bars-57 and 58. The thundery twelve-tone-chord signals the arrival of the singularity of human civilization development. Between bar-48 and bar-56, different sub-motifs enter at various times, disturbing the coherence of the overall music progression, depicting different interest groups in nations, and countries of conflicting ideologies, racing against one another competing for technological supremacy. This is likely a dreadful and disastrous period in real life, and many ugly things may happen. However, further elaboration on any of these is beyond the scope of a small 3-minute-long music piece. So,《Capriccio • Mankind, Singularity, and Beyond》decides simply to wrap up the second section with a string of eight-tone-chords, signalling a series of explosive events. Such explosive events are likely inevitable for the history of tomorrow to terminate the dreadful and disastrous infightings and subversions within the human race and to allow reshaping and sublimation of the human civilization into an interstellar civilization to take place. In the painting, all these stated by the second section of the music are depicted by the spaceship hovering above the Earth sky, on the middle 1/3 of the canvas.
In the last section of the score, the music starts with a momentary busy-and-chaotic search for direction at bars-59 and 60 but quickly converges into a coherent and epical melody. The solo violin travels through strings of high notes at a pace slowing down gradually from allegro through andante, and eventually ending at largo, mimicking the "Doppler effect" as the spaceship leaves Earth's orbit and accelerates further into the depth of the vast universe (cf. the nebula painted on the top 1/3 of the canvas).
Human civilization (homo sapiens based) is only a chapter of the Earth civilization; the Earth civilization will be a chapter of a broader interstellar civilization. The first half of this statement has been true so far, and the whole will likely be proven in the future. The best we can hope is that there are some good elements in the legacy of human civilization that will enable them to survive and sustain in the posthuman eras. It is the hope and dream of the 《Capriccio • Mankind, Singularity, and Beyond》that we, the likeminded in the human race, carry forward those good elements during our times, leaving something worthwhile for the posthuman civilizations to carry with them into the deep space, just as the first motif echoes in the bar-78 to bar-87 of the epical melody, in section 3 of the music.
《随想曲 • 人类、奇点、超越》蕴含着对人类文明、地球文明、星际文明这三者关系的思考。作品分别通过绘画和音乐的方式来表达这种思考。(1)绘画部分由施舒与伊赛格(施舒制作的智能绘画助手)合作完成; (2)音乐部分由施舒与伊斯迈克(施舒制作的智能音乐助手)共同完成。而画作和乐曲在构造上又各种都由三部分组成。
乐曲的第二部分以第47小节处的单个十二音和弦开始。不期而至的十二音和弦,仿佛一声晴天霹雳,宣告了人类文明发展奇点的到来。在第48小节和第56小节之间,音乐借助在不同的时间点插入乐章的代表不同角色的子主题,特意扰乱了整首乐曲的连贯发展,概括地预示了人类社会中各利益集团以及意识形态尖锐冲突的各国家之间为争夺技术领先地位而必将发生的激烈竞争。在未来的现实生活中,这很可能是一个灾难性的时期。人性中许多丑恶的东西都会在这一时期集中爆发。然而,逐个地细数和分析这些丑恶,将迫使这篇短小的音乐作品远远地超出其设定的约3分钟的总体长度。因此,本乐曲决定只是简单地使用一串八音和弦的轰鸣(以预示未来的一系列的爆炸性事件) 在第57小节至第58小节处结束这第二部分。这些爆炸性事件对于结束灾难性的人类内讧和自相残杀,对于促成人类文明的整体重塑并升华为星际文明而言,或将是不可避免的。在本作品的绘画部分里,与这一段乐曲对应的叙事是由画面的中间1/3来完成的。这一部分画面描绘的是悬浮在地球轨道上的一艘星际飞船。行将远航的飞船象征着人类文明脱胎换骨的决心。
人类文明只是地球文明的一个篇章。展望未来,人类文明有其始必有其终。人类文明必将被超越;奇点已经很近了。我们所能期望的无非是:人类文明中优秀的部分能够作为遗产为“后人类”的星际文明时代提供一些借鉴。这也是寄托在《随想曲 • 人类、奇点以及 ……》中的梦想:我们人类为“后人类文明”留下了一些有价值的东西,让它(祂、牠)们带入浩瀚的宇宙深处,就像乐曲中舒缓的第一主题(人类文明的主题)亲切地在乐曲结尾处史诗般地飘向太空的旋律中回荡一样。
Title: AIP0094 《Capriccio - Mankind, Singularity, and Beyond》 《人类, 奇点, 以及 ……》
Price (价格): Not for sale (不出售).
Availability (可售作品数): NA (不出售).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP0093 《Letters from Werther》
Price (价格): Not for sale (不出售).
Availability (可售作品数): NA (不出售).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP0092 《Color of Legend》
Price (价格): USD 48,000 (48,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP0072 《Return of Nightmare》
Price (价格): USD 60,000 (60,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Managed by Artsy and Artnet.
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Color diplopia and color gradient field are two proprietary AI painting techniques newly developed by the ES&AG AI Art Studio. AIP0072 explores how these two techniques can be used to help viewers visualize complex concepts or hypotheses. For example, imagine what might happen when you cross parallel universes. AIP0072 also expands on the emotional connotations of the colors implied by Pluchick's wheel of emotion, noting that in many cases, it is not the color that matters, but the color gradient.
色彩复视技术和色彩梯度场技术是宜善达阁智能艺术工作室新近开发的两种专有AI绘画技术。 作品AIP0072探索了如何借助这两种方法来帮助观众实现复杂概念或假设的可视化。例如,想象跨越平行宇宙时可能发生的现象。作品AIP0072也拓展了普鲁奇克的情感之轮所暗示的颜色的情感内涵并指出:在许多情况下,重要的不是颜色,而是颜色梯度。
Title: AIP0064 《From Parallel Universe》
Price (价格): USD 60,000 (60,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Managed by Artsy and Artnet.
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital). 这是一个单件的数码艺术品(没有复制件)。
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color diplopia. 这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 – 色彩复视法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
The parallel universe is a scientific concept associated with the folding of spacetime. AIP0064 explores the possibility of visualizing the trans-universe nature of the concept by deploying a newly developed AI painting method – color diplopia. Diplopia is a medical term describing the simultaneous perception of two images of a single object. Color diplopia is a term we coined to describe a manmade variant of diplopia. It generates enough visual illusion needed to convey the trans-universe impression, yet without invoking any true diplopia.
In AIP0064, a winged being is chosen to manifest the output of the color diplopia method. On the one hand, when the painting is viewed from far away, the color strips are discernible. The winged being looks like halfway through emerging from another universe into ours. The edges of the horizontal color strips serve to enhance the trans-universe impression. On the other hand, when the painting is viewed from a close, the color scheme may make a viewer feel overwhelmed by the winged being and feel that the winged being has already fully crossed the inter-universe boundary into ours.
作品AIP0064选用了一个“有翼的存在(祂)”的形象来展示色彩复视作用的视觉冲击力。 一方面,当从远处观看这幅画时,画面上的各色色带都清晰可辨。这时“有翼的祂”像是正从另一个宇宙进入我们的宇宙的途中。画面上水平色条的边缘设计有效地强化了正在“跨宇宙”的印象。另一方面,当从近处观看这幅画时,画面的配色则会产生一种“有翼的祂”正在压向观众并行将把他们淹没的感觉,仿佛这个“有翼的祂”已经完全越过了平行宇宙间的边界,进入了我们的世界。
Title: AIP0089 《Sunset Behind a Farmhouse》 《农舍背后的落日》
Price (价格): USD 60,000 (60,000 美元). Availability (可售作品数): Managed by Artsy and Artnet.
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital). 这是一个单件的数码艺术品(没有复制件)。
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient. 这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code. 本作品的所有权和知识产权受区块链头哈希和防伪代码的双重保护。请勿翻拍,以免法律追究。
ESAG has been training hard to learn how to paint in different styles (e.g., oil-painting style, gouache style, watercolor style, and ink-painting styles) and to unite its broken pieces of knowledge (e.g., on substrates, textures, hues, grey-scale, opacity, their inferred emotional values, and associated aesthetic values) into a comprehensive framework of color gradient theory. AIP0089 is an output of ESAG’s training to paint in surrealistic styles.
Title: AIP0068 《Glow of Sahara》
Price (价格): USD 60,000 (60,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Managed by Artsy and Artnet.
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
AIP0068 attempts to transform a depressive thought into something serene and joyful. A caravan trip across Sahara may typically be perceived as physically taxing, harsh, dangerous, and mentally depressive. So, AIP0068 sets up to transform such imagery into a soothing and pastoral poem by using properly chosen color gradient fields and hopefully has met success to some degree.
与骆驼为伍穿越撒哈拉,通常让人联想到艰难、危险以及体能的极度消耗,因而常让人感到情绪压抑。 在AIP0068中,伊赛格(ESAG)通过合理选择色彩的梯度场,尝试将穿越撒哈拉这一令人沮丧的意象有效地转变成了一个舒缓的田园诗一般的宁静而辽阔的意。希望本画多少已经显示出,通过色彩梯度场的调整来影响观众的情绪是一个可行的方法
Title: AIP0014 《Man in a Rainy Day》
Price (价格): USD 60,000 (60,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Managed by Artsy and Artnet.
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Traditionally, surrealistic works may prefer opaque and powdery colors and the gouache method, and abstract expressionist or hazystic works may prefer diffusive media and watercolor or ink-painting methods. AI is making these boundaries blur and has offered us an opportunity to sublime past pieces of painting knowledge into a common theory. AIP0014 reflects such a study by ESAG to paint a watercolor without invoking dissolved pigments nor taking leverage on the osmotic property of paper.
传统上,超现实主义作品可能更喜欢不透明和粉状的颜色和水粉画方法,抽象表现主义或朦胧的作品可能更喜欢扩散媒体和水彩或水墨画方法。 人工智能正在使这些界限变得模糊,并为我们提供了一个机会,将过去零碎的绘画知识升华至一个统一的理论。 作品AIP0014反映了伊赛格(ESAG)在借助色彩场的新视角,在重新研究了水彩画大师们的绘画技巧之后,在不求助于颜料的溶解或纸张的毛细渗透特性的条件下,发展出了的不用水彩和纸张而达至水彩画效果的创作技巧。
Title: AIP0088 《Autumn by a Pond》 《水塘边的秋天》
Price (价格): USD 60,000 (60,000 美元). Availability (可售作品数): Managed by Artsy and Artnet.
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital). 这是一个单件的数码艺术品(没有复制件)。
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient. 这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code. 本作品的所有权和知识产权受区块链头哈希和防伪代码的双重保护。请勿翻拍,以免法律追究。
Using juxtaposition of color dots to compose a painting is not a new invention by AI. What AI can bring to the table include: (1) the confidence in its chosen juxtaposition scheme, since it is typically optimized via thousands of rounds of computations and has left few stones unturned in comparing with alternative juxtaposition schemes/plans; (2) the ability to preset the optimal viewing distance by incorporating optical parameters in designing and computing color field details. In the case of dual focal planes, two optimal viewing distances are embedded into the painting.
使用色点的并置来创作绘画并不是智能绘画的新发明。智能绘画带来的新优点包括:(1)对色彩梯度场方案的高度自信。因为这种方案通常是通过数千轮计算从多种可选方案中优选出来的,相当可靠; (2)通过在设计和计算色彩梯度场的具体细节时引入光学参数来设计多重动态观赏距离。例如,在双焦距平面的情况下,画面中可以嵌入2个最佳观赏距离。
Title: AIP0058 《Return from Grazing (3)》
Price (价格): USD 60,000 (60,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Managed by Artsy and Artnet.
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
AIP0058 depicts a horseman galloping across a pasture under the high sky of autumn. Due to a novel painting technique – the color gradient field method – programmed into ESAG, it has managed to defuse the artistic feeling of the high sky into the painting, although no high sky is painted in AIP0058. The texture used by ESAG also helped to usher in the sense of a pasture. Viewers interested in the color gradient field method are advised to visit blogs posted on this website.
作品AIP0058描绘了一名骑手在秋高气爽的牧场上信马疾驰的景象。尽管画作并没有直接描绘天空,但由于伊赛格(ESAG)采用了一种新颖的绘画技术 --- 颜色梯度场技术,它依然有效地将天高气爽的艺术感触融入了绘画中,并通过色彩和纹理的选择营造出了一片秋天牧场的感觉。对颜色梯度场方法感兴趣的读者可以参阅本网站上已发布的相关博客。
Title: AIP0073 《Flying Over Khan Tengri, to Issyk-Kul》
Price (价格): USD 32,000 (32,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Managed by Artsy and Artnet.
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Khan Tengri is a mountain on the tripoint amongst China—Kyrgyzstan—Kazakhstan. It is the highest peak in Kazakhstan and the third-highest in Kyrgyzstan. Lake Issyk Kul is an endorheic lake located in Kyrgyzstan, c.a. 200 km west of the Khan Tengri. It is the second-largest mountain lake in the world after Lake Titicaca in South America and the second-largest saline lake after the Caspian Sea in Asia. The Khan Tengri -- Issyk-Kul route is a part of the famous Silk Road, connecting the Far East to Europe. In AIP0073, the painters entrust their yearning for a deeper knowledge of the history of this part of the world to the wings of the wild geese who are flying over Peak Khan Tengri towards Lake Issyk-Kul.
汗腾格里(Khan Tengri)是位于中国、吉尔吉斯斯坦、哈萨克斯坦之间的三国边境交会地带的一座山峰。 它是哈萨克斯坦境内的第一高峰,同时也是吉尔吉斯斯坦境内的第三高峰。伊塞(Issyk)湖是一个内陆湖,位于吉尔吉斯斯坦境内,汗腾格里以西约200公里处。 它是仅次于南美洲的蒂蒂喀喀(Titicaca)湖的世界第二大高山湖泊,也是仅次于亚洲的里海(Caspian Sea)的世界第二大盐湖。 汗腾格里-伊塞湖之路是著名的古代丝绸之路的一部分,连接着远东和欧洲。 在AIP0073中,画家们将他们对深刻理解世界这一地区的历史的深切的愿望托付给了大雁的翅膀。它们此刻正飞越汗腾格里,飞向伊塞湖。
Title: AIP0062 《Impression • Dante’s “The Divine Comedy”》 丁的“神曲” • 印象》
Price (价格): USD 32,000 (32,000 美元). availability (可售作品数): Managed by Artsy and Artnet.
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital). 这是一个单件的数码艺术品(没有复制件)。
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient. 这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code. 本作品的所有权和知识产权受区块链头哈希和防伪代码的双重保护。请勿翻拍,以免法律追究。
The Divine Comedy, written by the 14th-century Italian poet, Dante Alighieri, has inspired so many minds as it has to the authors of this AI painting, and hence the creation of AIP0062 which depicts the emotional waves triggered by reading the theological poem. In the AIP0062, Part 1: Inferno of Dante’s poem is taken to mirror the living hells that still exist in today’s world. In this painting, the white-bearded leader in the foreground symbolizes a tyrant, clustered by his cruel aids and high-ranking followers, the images of the serpent and the suffocative fogs delineate the state apparatus and soul paralyzing propaganda used by the tyrannies.
14世纪意大利诗人但丁·阿利吉耶里(Dante Alighieri)所著的《神曲》激发了许多读者的创作灵感,也导致了作品AIP0062的诞生。作品AIP0062以具象的方式描绘了这首神学长诗在本画作者心中激起的情感波涛。作品选用了《神曲》中的“地狱篇”作为一面镜子,用以折射当今人世间的地狱以及统治着这些地狱的暴君们。画中前排白胡子的首领象征一位暴君,紧随他的则是他手下的那些助纣为虐、为虎作伥的高官和酷吏。画中的毒蛇和令人窒息的毒雾则指代暴君手中的警察机器和宣传工具。
Title: AIP0019 《Sunken Era of Iliad and Odyssey》
Price (价格): USD 32,000 (32,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Managed by Artsy and Artnet.
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
AIP0019 celebrates an Iron Age blind bard, Homer, who left us with two epical poems, Iliad and Odyssey. To Plato, Homer was the one who "has taught Greece"; to many of us, Homer was the one who has taught the world. The painting is composed as an ancient map containing E-land (for Eλλάδα, i.e., Greece) and T-land (for Τροία, i.e., Troy). The back view of Chiron (hinting at the Achilles and the 10-year long Trojan War) and the profile of sailing boats (eliciting the 10-year long journey of Odysseus leading his men back to Ithaca) retell the Iliad and the Odyssey stories. The presence of the R-land (for Roma, i.e., Rome) in the painting serves to keep the lead open-ended towards linking the ancient greek civilization with the ancient Roman civilization. After all, as legend has it, the founders of Rome were descended from Trojan War heroes.
作品AIP0019以绘画的形式向铁器时代的盲人吟游诗人荷马致敬。荷马给我们留下了两首史诗:《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》 。柏拉图说,荷马是“教化了整个希腊”的人。对我们许多人来说,荷马是教化了整个世界的人。本画的总体构图类似于一张古代地图。地图上有E-国(E对应于Eλλάδα,即希腊)和T-国(T对应于Τροία,即特洛伊)。画中半人马喀戎的背影(暗示阿喀琉斯和长达10年的特洛伊战争)和帆船的形象(引出奥德修斯带领他的手下返回伊萨卡岛的历时10年的长途跋涉)重述了伊利亚特和奥德赛的故事。R-国(代表罗马)在画中的存在,指出了古希腊文明与古罗马文明之间的联系。依照古罗马的传说,罗马城的奠基人都是特洛伊战争英雄的后裔。
Title: AIP0003 《Light-green Colored Movement》
Price (价格): USD 32,000 (32,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Managed by Artsy and Artnet.
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
AIP0003 is designed to depict a lady in a shawl yet let the rhythm of color movement hint and infer the melody hidden in the painting. To this end, the word “movement” is carefully placed in the title to hint at the association. Research along this direction is carried out at the ES&AG AI Art Studio to reveal the color-melody connections. Sharp-eyed viewers may find many such examples of this research in display here.
Title: AIP0067 《Fox Guarding Chicken House》
Price (价格): USD 32,000 (32,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Managed by Artsy and Artnet.
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital). 这是一个单件的数码艺术品(没有复制件)。
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color diplopia. 这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 – 色彩复视法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
AIP0067, when viewed from far away, depicts a fox pulsing momentarily from a swift run to look back at the direction it came from, with its tail held horizontally; when viewed from a close vicinity, it depicts a fox standing still towards the viewer. This is a manifestation of the dual focal planes effect. In AIP0067, the dual focal planes are purposely implanted into the painting using a proprietary technique – color diplopia, to enrich the connotation of the picture.
从远处看,作品AIP0067描绘了一只狐狸从快速奔跑中瞬间停下,回首观察它来的方向,狐狸尾巴仍保持着水平。 而就近观看时,同一幅画却描绘了一只朝向观众、静静地站立着的狐狸。这种双象性是由双焦平面效应造成的。如本作品所示,当双焦平面被恰当地植入画面中后,便可以有效地丰富作品的内涵。
Title: AIP0011 《Blueprint of Ruling Mechanism》
Price (价格): USD 32,000 (32,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Managed by Artsy and Artnet.
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
According to the analysis of our AI painting color gradient field theory, if the color, hue, transparency, and other factors are taken into account, for any given image in greyscale, there can be hundreds of thousands of possible color compositions. How to steer the computational resources to the promising color compositions, right from an early stage of an AI digital painting, remains a challenge yet to be answered. In AIP0011, the double-faced statue is a metaphor for the dark age ruling mechanism, which is, unfortunately, still alive in countries of the present-day world. The right side of the statue delineates the ruthlessness of the machine, whereas the left side delineates the deceptive disguise of the machine behind a silhouette of a loving and caring queen.
Title: AIP0074 《Timur Inspired by a Shaman Oracle》
Price (价格): USD 32,000 (32,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Managed by Artsy and Artnet.
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital). 这是一个单件的数码艺术品(没有复制件)。
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color diplopia. 这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 – 色彩复视法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Timur, the last of the great nomadic conquerors of the Eurasian Steppe, was known for having founded the Timurid Empire single-handedly and demolished the Mamluks of Egypt and Syria, the emerging Ottoman Empire, and the declining Delhi Sultanate of India. Throughout his life, Timur portrayed himself as a descendant of Genghis Khan and the restorer of the legitimate Mongol control over lands taken by usurpers. Towards the end of his reign, after gaining complete control over all the remnants of the Chagatai Khanate, the Ilkhanate, and the Golden Horde, he launched a military campaign to invade China to restore the Yuan dynasty there. No one knows how Timur thought he could manage to win this war. Maybe he didn’t worry about it since he believed in his destiny. Nevertheless, Timur died in 1405, 2 months into his military campaign, near Syr Daria, far from even reaching the Chinese border, leaving behind him a legacy of causing the deaths of 17 million people during his life span of military conquests.
AIP0074 attempts to fill the knowledge blank with an imagination, to provide viewers with an opportunity to relive the historical period of Timur’s last moments, hence the title. (Note: Wolf is the totem of Genghis Khan’s tribe. In the painting, it opens its mouth towards the east, pointing to the direction of China from the Timurid Empire.) The proprietary painting technique, color diplopia, is used in AIP0074 to evoke the association of mirage over deserts with the motif of the painting and to add a touch of mysterious flavor to the painting too.
作品AIP0074试图借用想象力来填补知识的空白,从艺术的角度提供一个观察点,以再现帖木儿生命的最后岁月中的关键历史瞬间。这个观察点便是本画的标题 ---- 《帖木儿观天启》。(注:狼是成吉思汗部落的图腾。 在画中,天上的云雾仿佛一只狼头,它向东方张开大口,从帖木儿帝国的位置看,这个方向恰好指向中国的明王朝。) 作品AIP0074 使用了色彩复视技术来勾起沙漠上的幻影(海市蜃楼)与绘画主题的关联,也给绘画增添了一丝神秘的气氛。
Title: AIP0010 《The Fall of Troy》
Price (价格): USD 32,000 (32,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Managed by Artsy and Artnet.
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
The Trojan War was waged against the city of Troy by the Greeks after Paris of Troy seduced Helen from Sparta, per Greek literature. The war took 10 years of siege and many episodes in between to fall the city. Two of the widely known episodes are (1) the duel between Achilles and Hector in front of the city gate and (2) the final fall of Troy to the trick of the Trojan Horse.
From a compositional point of view, it is difficult to put these two episodes in one painting because each has its unique scene and set of characters. For this reason, AIP0010 was initially set up only to paint the episode of the duel, and it would probably have ended up as a featureless painting if it is not for the unconventional color field composition came up by ESAG. The unexpected effect of the color field (i.e., reminiscent of lightning, thunder, and strike of fate) has bestowed a fatalistic tune to the present version of AIP0010 and enabled it to unite 2 separate historical events into 1 painting, which has, in turn, broadened the scope of the painting, and made the AIP0010 much more informative and interesting.
根据古希腊的传说,特洛伊王子帕里斯将年轻美貌斯巴达王后海伦带回了特洛伊,由此引发了希腊联军对特洛伊城发动了著名的特洛伊战争。这场战争历时10年,在长时间的围困和相持之后,特洛伊最终沦陷。战争中有两个广为流传的故事: (1) 阿喀琉斯和赫克托在特洛伊城外的决斗; (2) 特洛伊木马以及由它导致的特洛伊城的最后沦陷。
Title: AIP0082 《Neon Melody of Lion City》
Price (价格): USD 32,000 (32,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Managed by Artsy and Artnet.
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
In human brains, visual sensation and auditory sensation are governed by different neuron clusters, and there are no known information pathways between the clusters. Consequently, most of us have no ability to experience the visual sensation while we receive auditory stimuli, or vice versa, consciously. At ES&AG AI Art Studio, AI has been deployed in the creation of sound-to-color as well as color-to-sound digital synaesthesia so that we humans can start to appreciate the music connotation of a painting and/or the color/imagery connotation of a melody.
Title: AIP0066 《Arrival at Capricornus》
Price (价格): USD 32,000 (32,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Managed by Artsy and Artnet.
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Capricornus is a constellation positioned in an area of sky called the Sea where many water-related constellations, such as Aquarius and Pisces, are located. Several galaxies and star clusters are contained within Capricornus. Some of the stars are red- or yellow-hued, others are blue- or white-hued (e.g., stars in β Capricorni, γ Capricorni, and π Capricorni). Capricornus has first attested in the form of goat-fish on a cylinder seal from Mesopotamia c.a. four thousand years ago. It was later documented in the Babylonian star catalogs c.a. one thousand years after the cylinder-seal. In Greek mythology, Capricornus is depicted as Amalthea, the goat that suckled the infant Zeus, and Amalthea's broken horn consequently became the "horn of plenty".
AIP0066 depicts a scene viewed outwards from inside of a spaceship from Earth when it finally arrived at one of the planets of Capricornus. The astronomical observations mentioned above have solidified into a foundation for AIP0066 to imagine what a traveler from Earth may see when he arrives at Capricornus (if he ever arrives after all). The mythological element of Capricornus (the goat) has transformed itself into the facial characteristics of the alien pilot/captain (or has it?).
摩羯座是一个星座,位于一个叫做“海洋”的太空区域。许多与水有关的星座,例如水瓶座和双鱼座等也都位于这一太空区域。摩羯座包含有几个星系和星团。其中有些恒星是红色或黄色的,另一些则是蓝色或白色的(例如,β-摩羯星系、γ-摩羯星系和π-摩羯星系的诸多恒星)。考古学证实,在距今约四千年以前,人类便已将摩羯座以羊首鱼身的形式首次刻记在了美索不达米亚的圆柱形印章上了。后来,在距今约三千年以前,它又被以文字的形式记录在了巴比伦的星座目录中。在希腊神话中,这个星座被描绘成阿马尔西娅 ---- 哺育婴儿宙斯的那只山羊。这也是阿马尔西娅的断角在希腊神话中被称为“丰盛的角”的由来。
Title: AIP0050 《Flower · an AI Synthesis》
《花 • 一件人工智能的合成品》
Price (价格): USD 48,000 (48,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP0084 《Breeze Melody of Lion City》
Price (价格): USD 28,000 (28,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP0083 《Sunny Shower Melody of Lion City》
Price (价格): USD 28,000 (28,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP 0052 《Impression of Oasis (1)》
Price (价格): USD 28,000 (28,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP0059《Conquestic Expansion under the Umayyad Caliphate (1)》
Price (价格): USD 48,000 (48,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP 0057 《Return from Grazing (2)》
Price (价格): USD 48,000 (48,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AI 0087 《Wind and Creek》 《风与溪水》
Price (价格): USD 28,000 (28,000 美元). Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital). 这是一个单件的数码艺术品(没有复制件)。
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient. 这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code. 本作品的所有权和知识产权受区块链头哈希和防伪代码的双重保护。请勿翻拍,以免法律追究。
Title: AIP 0065 《Parallel Deep Space》 《平行深太空》
Price (价格): USD 28,000 (28,000 美元). Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital). 这是一个单件的数码艺术品(没有复制件)。
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient. 这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code. 本作品的所有权和知识产权受区块链头哈希和防伪代码的双重保护。请勿翻拍,以免法律追究。
Title: AIP 0053 《Impression of Oasis (2)》
Price (价格): USD 28,000 (28,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: 0069 《The Grand High Witch in a Curvy Coat》
Price (价格): USD 48,000 (48,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP 0056 《Return from Grazing (1)》
Price (价格): USD 48,000 (48,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP 0090 《Bunny and Mushroom》 《兔子与蘑菇》
Price (价格): USD 48,000 (48,000 美元). Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital). 这是一个单件的数码艺术品(没有复制件)。
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient. 这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code. 本作品的所有权和知识产权受区块链头哈希和防伪代码的双重保护。请勿翻拍,以免法律追究。
Title: AIP 0060 《Conquestic Expansions under the Umayyad Caliphate (2)》
Price (价格): USD 48,000 (48,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP 0075 《Sunset of Red Sea》 《红海落日》
Price (价格): USD 28,000 (28,000 美元). Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital). 这是一个单件的数码艺术品(没有复制件)。
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient. 这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code. 本作品的所有权和知识产权受区块链头哈希和防伪代码的双重保护。请勿翻拍,以免法律追究。
Title: AIP 0055 《Impression of Oasis (3)》
Price (价格): USD 48,000 (48,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP 0013 《Man in Frozen Morning》
Price (价格): USD 48,000 (48,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP 0091 《Sunset by Creek》 《小溪边的落日》
Price (价格): USD 28,000 (28,000 美元). Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital). 这是一个单件的数码艺术品(没有复制件)。
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient. 这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code. 本作品的所有权和知识产权受区块链头哈希和防伪代码的双重保护。请勿翻拍,以免法律追究。
Title: AIP 0070 《Breeze over Sahara》
Price (价格): USD 48,000 (48,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP 0020 《Shu and Horus (2)》
《舒与荷鲁斯 (2)》
Price (价格): USD 48,000 (48,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP 0017 《Shu and Horus (1)》
《舒与荷鲁斯 (1)》
Price (价格): USD 48,000 (48,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP 0047 《Smell of Rain Stoppage》
Price (价格): USD 48,000 (48,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Reserved (已订购).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP 0046 《Taming in Summer, Saluting Gauguin’s Nafea Faa Ipoipo》
Price (价格): USD 48,000 (48,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Reserved (已订购).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP 0043 《Taming in Cosmos, Saluting Picasso’s La Vie》
Price (价格): USD 48,000 (48,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Reserved (已订购).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP 0028 《Taming in Energy Field, Saluting Van Gogh’s Starry Night》
Price (价格): USD 48,000 (48,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Reserved (已订购).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP 0027 《Taming in Aurora, Saluting Matisse’s Mdme Matisse》
Price (价格): USD 48,000 (48,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Reserved (已订购).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP 0029 《Taming in Dawn, Saluting Seurat’s Le Chahut》
Price (价格): USD 48,000 (48,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Reserved (已订购).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the ES&AG Anti-counterfeiting Code.
Title: AIP 0036 《COVID 2019》
Price (价格): USD 28,000 (28,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital). 这是一个单件的数码艺术品(没有复制件)。
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network. 这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP 0037 《COVID 2020》
Price (价格): USD 28,000 (28,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital). 这是一个单件的数码艺术品(没有复制件)。
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network. 这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP 0038 《COVID 2021》
Price (价格): USD 28,000 (28,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital). 这是一个单件的数码艺术品(没有复制件)。
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network. 这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP 0039 《The Mess After the Pandemic》
Price (价格): USD 28,000 (28,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital). 这是一个单件的数码艺术品(没有复制件)。
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network. 这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP 0040 《Resurrection of Hope and Wisdom》
Price (价格): USD 28,000 (28,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital). 这是一个单件的数码艺术品(没有复制件)。
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network. 这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP 0006 《Dance of Soothy Breeze》 《舒心的微风》
Price (价格): USD 28,000 (28,000 美元). Availability (可售作品数): 1 piece (仅此一幅).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital). 这是一个单件的数码艺术品(没有复制件)。
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network. 这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code. 本作品的所有权和知识产权受区块链头哈希和防伪代码的双重保护。请勿翻拍,以免法律追究。
The arrival of AI has drastically changed the landscape of the art world. Eric Shi (ES) and his AI virtual assistants (e.g., ESAG and ESMC, short for ES Art Generator and ES Music Composer) at the ES&AG AI Art Studio feel privileged to stumble into opportunities of participating in some of the changes in the field of arts. The AI incorporated into the virtual assistants includes machine learning via artificial neural networks, learning transfer, generative adversarial architectures, and proprietary techniques, such as color gradient field, color diplopia, and digital synaesthesia. Some of the artworks have formed a preliminary body of pictorial documentation of the AI art history, in the forms of novel painting methods and extracting music melodies from paintings, which have not been observed in the history of human arts.
人工智能的到来彻底改变了艺术世界的格局。施舒(ES)和他的智能虚拟助手们(伊赛格, 伊思纳, 和伊思迈克)为有机会参与这场艺术领域的深刻变化而深感荣幸。植入虚拟助手中的人工智能既包括通用的人工神经网络系统、借助这个系统完成的机器学习、学习转移、生成拮抗架构等;也包括宜善达阁智能艺术工作室专有的下述技术:(1)颜色渐变场,(2)颜色复视,(3)数字联觉。 因此,相关的作品已不仅仅是一般的艺术品,它们也真实地记录了智能艺术发展的早期历史。它们所见证和记录的新颖的绘画方法以及从色彩的律动中提取出来的音乐旋律等,都是在人类艺术史上前所未有的。
Title: AIP 0044 《Taming in Rain, Saluting Monet’s Impression · Sunrise》
Price (价格): USD 40,000 (40,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Reserved (已订购).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP 0045 《Taming in Autumn, Saluting Pissarro’s Morning, Autumn, Efagny》
Price (价格): USD 40,000 (40,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Reserved (已订购).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.
Title: AIP 0030 《Taming in Sea, Saluting von Neumann’s The Computer And The Brain 》
Price (价格): USD 34,000 (34,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Reserved (已订购).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the ES&AG Anti-counterfeiting Code.
Title: AIP 0026 《Taming in Spring, Saluting Cezanne’s Bacchanal》
Price (价格): USD 24,000 (24,000 美元).
Availability (可售作品数): Reserved (已订购).
Description 简述:
1. This is a single-piece artwork (digital).
2. This AI painting is jointly created by a human artist (Eric Shi) and his AI virtual assistant (ESAG), using a convolutional neural network and a proprietary painting technique -- color field gradient.
这幅智能绘画是由施舒和他的智能虚拟助手伊赛格使用卷积神经网络和专有的绘画技术 - 色场梯度法所共同创作的。
Ownership and IP rights of this painting are protected by the ES&AG Blockchain Header hash and by the anti-counterfeiting code.